Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It's Not About Me- I better get used to this mind set =)

For the last week I have been trying to think of something funny, encouraging or really interesting to write on my blog. Nothing much has come to mind- but God has been milling the thought of submission in my mind. We talked about it at my growth group last week as well.  In our group we talked about how when you really submit to God you need to commit to in your HEART and HEAD!

 I know when my daughter comes home and I begin caring for her and loving on her I will need to constantly submit to God and think what is best for her- It won't be all about ME! I will need to be conscious of how I spend my time, money and energy. I will be responsible for someone else besides my single self.

 God talks a lot about submitting to him in the His Word:

“Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you." Job 22:21

"In in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight"       Proverbs 3:6


 Not much is happening with my dossier in Haiti. Just still waiting for a referral and I anticipate a while before I get one. But only God knows the timing of it all- You never know the surprises God has in store for you !!!!