Monday, December 5, 2011

Advice to Prospective Adoptive Parents--That's me =)

I can't imagine going through the international adoption process without supportive family and friends, lots of chocolate, a very reliable notary (if I have to ask someone else to get something notarized, I think I will have to cut off all my curly hair) and the ........... INTERNET!!!  
Most adoptive parents can relate to pursuing the WWW daily for information and encouragement to help in your travels down the crazy adoption road . In my searching I have come across some wonderful blogs that provide me with both info and encouragement. Check out my blog roll on the side of those posts.

I came across a blog of an adoptive mom from Indiana who has adopted two beautiful daughters from Haiti (notice how I might have come across it in a google search?).

She has this advice to share:  
"I have a few words of advice to prospective adoptive parents":

1. God will supply your every need.  He says it in His Word and it is true.

2.  You can trust Him to care for your children....even when you can't see them.

3.  His Word will uphold you during the darkest times (and I ASSURE you they will come)

4.  There is a brief honeymoon phase when your child(ren) come home, when it disappears--hold on and refer to #3 again.

5.  Don't forget to spend time with your loved ones while you're going through the adoption.  It can be an all-consuming process.  Let God fight for you.

6.  There is a God-ordained time that your child will be in your arms.  God knows it, you don't. Rest in that knowledge and find peace. 

Thanks, Sarah , for sharing your heart through your blog- the words you wrote really spoke to my heart as I am at one of many periods of waiting. 
I just LOVE #6...... so true and reassuring at the same time!!! 


  1. Thank you for sharing that! It is so nice to hear that for those of us going through the adoption process! Always good to have reminders of who is really in control of the adoption process.


  2. Words of wisdom. I am not happy that I don't have any control in this process anymore. When I was collecting paperwork, I could get it done in my timing. But now that we are in IBESR and awaiting Presidential Dispensation, I can do nothing. The "Black Hole" of waiting. So I pray. And I pray. But I rest in knowing God is in control -- He knows when she is supposed to come home. Somehow that makes the wait a bit easier. Thanks for sharing...

