Thursday, August 16, 2012

Next Steps Towards Bringing Kimberlie HOME

If had a dollar for every time I heard the questions, "When will Kimberlie be home? And why does it take so long?" in the last week, I will be a pretty rich lady!!!! I really do appreciate all the questions and support and  I LOVE talking about my adoption, I just can't give you a lot of answers about the time frame. Your kindness and support blows me away daily!

The quick answer is to when will she be home is: "Not for a while, maybe next summer???  But, I really don't know for sure, the Haitian Adoption Process is historically unpredictable and even more so with some changes that are just starting to come into play. I know it's frustrating to many (including  me) that is takes SO long- but the process is the process and there is not much I can do about it.  So, I chose to not focus on that, but rather, getting myself and my home prepared for the BEAUTIFUL Kimberlie to come home!!!!

The next step in the process is: IBESR (Haitian Social Services). Hopefully I will enter  IBESR by the end of September. After I exit this 1st step, then I make my first of two trips to HAITI !!!!!! This step is when I first get to meet her and give her LOTS and LOTS of kisses  and hugs!!!

Here is what happens in the 1st step:
IBESR (Institute du Bien-Etre Social et Recherches – Institute of Social Well-Being and Research). When your dossier is at IBESR, social workers will study it to see whether yours meet the Haitian requirements to adopt a child.  They also judge whether your referred child is a good match for your family.  Your dossier needs 4 signatures before it can be released from IBESR.  The four individuals who sign the approval are the director of IBESR, the IBESR lawyer, the head of adoption services at IBESR, and the head of social services.  If, for example, one of these individuals is on holidays, there is not another individual who can sign on his/her behalf, which will result in additional delays.  Once all 4 signatures have been received, IBESR issues a Certificate of Authorization informing Parquet and the courts that IBESR has approved you to adopt your Haitian child.  Time varies from 3 to 6 months .  You need to be aware of this as you go into the adoption process. 
Haitian Officials are aiming to get dossiers out from IBESR in 2 months.  

So, continue to hold on for this crazy ride to bring Kimberlie home !!! 

I tend to agree- Love you Kimberlie!


  1. Oh my, all the steps bring it all back like it was yesterday. You know, our China adoption was a piece of cake because all the steps were so stinkin' predictable. But the VietNam adoptions were awful... nobody knew when and the process kept changing. It's the not knowing that makes it so much harder.
    But those cheeks... they're DEFINITELY worth the wait!
    nancy-of the crazy 9

    1. Thanks for the message Nancy =) I agree about the cheeks, they are WORTH the wait !

  2. Oh, Shannon! I know exactly what you mean. Everyone wants to know WHEN she'll be home, but we're just rejoicing in TODAY and the fact that we can see the beautiful face we've dreamed about for so long. My boys are all fervently praying for God to speed things up! He is the mover of mountains (and governments!).
    Amy (Malozie's mom)

    1. Amy- thanks for reading my blog and posting a comment as well. We will continue to pray for speed in the process, I am constantly amazed on God's perfect timing!!!
