Friday, November 2, 2012

Typical Day for MY BEAUTIFUL Kimberlie

Each month GLA sends a monthly update with information about what and how Kimberlie has been doing the last month. This was my first "official" update =) and Susie wrote about how Kimberlie spends her days at GLA. I feel so blessed to receive the updates each month- adoptive parents who adopt from GLA are pretty spoiled!!!  The VERY best part of the updates are the pictures!!!  TRULY PRICELESS!!! 

Here is a day in the life of Kimberlie.......

Kimberlie’s day starts between 6:30 and 7 am when the majority of the kids in URG B (the room she is currently in) start to rise.  From 7:30-8am is breakfast time.  The kids will have anything from cereal or scrambled eggs to spaghetti, depending on the day.  After breakfast they get changed and bathed for the day.  The rest of the morning is filled with playtime on the balcony either in the nursery with their nannies or on the third floor balcony for one on one time with their volunteer. They get a snack with juice around 9 am and then they will have a naptime.  Lunch is served at noon and after that they are changed and around 1 pm starts the main naptime for everyone.  If they are not napping they will go to the volunteer balcony for an hour in the afternoon. By 3pm most of them are awake and they get a snack and juice.  More play time on the nursery balcony before supper is served at 5pm.  After supper they are bathed and dressed for bed.  This process will often last until 7:30 pm and after that they will wind down and visit with each other from their cribs until the nannies tell them they must lie down and be silent at 8:30 pm.

(FYI......Kimberlie is not in any of the pictures of the areas of GLA- they are the rooms where she most likely spends your day =) 

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled on urblog. My name is Robin and my family were just at GLA about a month ago and wanted to let you. Know that Kimberley was one of my babies that I got to spend time with everyday.. what a snuggly buggly!!! The worst part of the day is when I had to return her to her crib or she saw me come and pick up another on of my babies who were in the same room she would. CRy and cry and then so would I. My e mail is trbarnum20@hotmail
    Com. I would love to keep op.with you're progress as my husband and I are now wanting to adopt.
