Thursday, November 22, 2012

Out of IBESR !!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving 2012. Gobble, Gobble!

I have A LOT to be thankful today because yesterday was a VERY good day !!   I found out I exited IBESR  !!!!  The average wait time in this 1st step is 3-6 months and I got out in 2 1/2 months.  That's what I am talkin' about for a time frame!!!  Let's keep it up..

The best, I mean BEST part of exiting IBESR is I get to travel to HAITI and MEET KIMBERLIE!!!!! This is getting real =)

On my first trip to Haiti, I will meet Kimberlie =) =), meet with two different judges and file some papers at the US Embassy to continue in the process.  I will be in Haiti for 4-5 days.  I am hoping to travel in December.

God continues to be faithful through this whole process!!!!! 


  1. My goodness that is WONDERFUL news!!! So sure you're on cloud nine and excited and nervous and...
    nancy-of the crazy 9

  2. Thank you for the encouragement Nancy =)

    Agreed on the emotions.. I am SUPER excited and a little nervous!!!!

