Wednesday, July 31, 2013

OUT OF MOI !!!!!!!!!!!

This saying has never been more true than this summer as I have waited and waited and waited to exit the dreaded STEP in the my adoption- MOI.

For the last 9 weeks (I thought for sure I would get out in 2 weeks) I have checked my email about every 5 minutes for a message like this one:  

So, yesterday afternoon, when I was NOT watching the "pot boil", my friend texted me and asked "Did you get out of MOI?" I then quickly checked my email and saw this message! The one I have been waiting for for 11 weeks and 1 day ! 

Ok... next steps......Kimberlie's passport will be sent for printing tomorrow. =) Then once GLA has her passport the Haitian side of the adoption is finished. =) Then her dossier will be sent to US Immigration (in Haiti) where the adoption will get approved US-ly and get her US Visa to travel home. It does seem like it would be fast... but this is an Haitian my best guess is 6-8 weeks to be home =).  Each day is one day closer to her being HOME FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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