Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Who in the World is Reading My Blog?

Mesi (thank you) to ALL who read my blog- I really enjoy writing about my adoption journey towards Babycakes ! For those of you who have met me in person, you all know I like to talk (ALOT)!!!  This blog is kind of like an ongoing conversation about the joys, struggles, wonderings of this crazy journey! It will also be a gift to Babycakes (when she is ready, our course).

BTW... I continue to wonder who is reading my blog from Cary, NC... would love to know who you are =) 


  1. Hi shanny,
    My name is Mandy and I am your visitor from Cary :-). This is our third adoption, first from Haiti, and we are adopting a 7 1/2 yo little girl.
    Blessings to you and Baby cakes!

    1. Thanks Mandy for the post! What orphanage are you adopting from?

      Also, thanks so much for reading my blog- I really appreciate it =)

    2. We are adopting from Maison des Enfants in PAP. It has definitely been quite the journey :-)

  2. I'm reading! We've emailed a few times. Our dossier got to GLA at the end of March, so we're in the "waiting" boat with you! Blessings, Amy McCraw

    1. Hello Amy-

      Thanks for commenting on my blog- I love hearing other families' journeys.

  3. i stop by every now and again, whenever i can get a chance in our crazy life! *waves* ;-)

    1. Rory. Thanks for stopping by... I read your blog almost daily. Your daughter is absolutely beautiful and I really appreciate all your advice, I am sure I will be following much of it soon enough! I am VERY nervous about her hair care....

    2. thanks for reading! and no need to be nervous about hair. just like every other aspect of being a parent, you pick it up as you go and after a while of doing it it's like you've always known how. ;-)
