Thursday, January 24, 2013

January Update

 Hello from God’s Littlest Angels, Shannon!

It really was a blessing to meet you in December Shannon!  I cannot believe how much we have in common.  It was a joy to see you meet your little girl in person for the first time and to witness you interacting with her.  You two will make such a fun family.  I am looking forward to the day you get to come back and pick her up.

December and January have been very busy and exciting months here at God’s Littlest Angels.  We have had more children transition into their new lives with their forever families and have welcomed numerous visitors and volunteers who help us love the children and get projects accomplished. 

I was honored to be here at GLA throughout Christmas for all the celebrations this year.  This is the first year in my three years at GLA that I am able to give you a first hand account of the holiday festivities and I am looking forward to it! 

All of the babies began their Christmas morning with a new outfit.  The cutest thing was to walk into the NICU and see all of the littlest ones dressed up in a red and white outfit.  Some us staff members took a group of the two years olds up to the balcony to unwrap and play with new toys that were send as Christmas gifts while all the babies in the smaller nurseries each received a rattle or toy to keep and play with in their crib.  The kids who received Christmas gifts from adoptive parents were brought down to the living room the day after Christmas to open their gifts under the tree.  Kimberlie joined the group of kids who opened gifts on the balcony on Christmas morning.  She enjoyed herself and did a great job ripping into the gifts she was given.  Attached you will find a few photos of her opening the Christmas gifts. 

This month Kimberlie was not willing to sit on the photo set and have her photo taken.  I sent her down to have a nap as she seemed really tired the first time we tried to take her picture.  We brought her up again in the afternoon and she was still unwilling to sit on the table by herself.  So I took a few photos of her with her volunteer holding her. I then had her come up to the balcony when we had the January birthday party so I could snap some pictures to send to you.  I got some sweet ones of her playing and eating cake on that day.  Just this week she received the board book you sent.  She loved it!! She looked intently at it and pointed with delight when she saw pictures of you, her grandma, and herself.  I hope you enjoyed all the variety of pictures that were taken of Kimberlie this month.  I am sorry we were not successful with photo day photo for her this month.

Also as a developmental note:  Kimberlie is walking like a professional and even running now!!  Once she decided she wanted to step out on her own there has been no stopping her.  She even climbs the stairs to the balcony on her own while holding someone’s hand.

Only one week after our Christmas celebration it was time to celebrate the New Year as well as Haiti’s independence day, which is on January 1st.  The highlight of the day for most Haitians as well as the kids at the Main House is a celebratory soup that is traditionally served at lunchtime.   The soup is called “soup joumou”.  It is a pumpkin soup that has meat, carrots, potatoes, and cabbage.  Everyone looks forward to this soup that is typically only served in Haitian Independence Day.

The photo day theme for this month was “celebration”. In addition to celebrating all the holidays the last few months have held, it is a true joy to celebrate each milestone the children have.  I hope I am able to accurately describe and capture these things for you until you are able to bring them home and experience these moments with them.  

You will notice this update is coming a week earlier then usual this month.  I am taking a trip home to Wisconsin for 2 weeks starting on January 25th.  I will return to the office on February 11th and do my best to get your February update to you by the end of the month.  Hope you enjoyed hearing a little more about Kimberlie’s holiday celebrations this month.

Kimberlie is healthy and growing:
Height: 82 cm
Weight: 25 lb
Hope 2013 is off to a great start for you,

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