Friday, December 28, 2012

BEST BEST Update SO FAR!!!!!

This month's update is simply AMAZING!!!!!   It is video of pictures of Kimberlie from the day she came to GLA (at 1 1/2 mo) through my recent trip to Haiti to meet her .  

I have watched it at least 10 times already this evening and cried elephant tears for first couple times- you can ask my niece Megan. What a gift Susie has given me today (on my Mom's 70 ish birthday)! 



  1. So sweet Shannon! I loved the last picture best!

  2. SHANNON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH. MY. How beautiful!!!! What an amazing gift.....loved seeing this!!!! Our whole family watched it! :) Big hugs! Kimberlie is a Cutie (and yes, that's with a capital C :))

    The Foss crew :)
